For domestic and international patent applications and consultations in the fields of machinery, electronics, mechatronics, materials, and control, leave it to us.

Interior of Miyazono Patent Office Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka Office

Office Profile

Basic Principles of Our Firm

Basic principles of our firm is to contributes to development of industry through providing high quality services in respect of intellectual property.
That is, our firm aims to contribute to development of industry by promoting protection of the invention (obtaining patent) and utilization of the invention by publication while contributing to development of clients, through providing high quality services in respect of intellectual property quickly.

  • Our firm provides high quality international services in respect of intellectual property.

  • A patent attorney and patent specialists who are familiar with respective technical fields carefully prepare intelligible high quality application documents one by one.

  • A patent attorney (Mr.Miyazono, a representative patent attorney of our office, passed US Patent Agent Examination in 1998) and patent specialists who are familiar with foreign patent applications as well as domestic applications support our clients to obtain domestic and foreign patent rights.

  • Our secretaries who are familiar with foreign patent procedure in addition to domestic patent procedure handle the case accurately and quickly.

  • Our translator who are familiar with translation of specification makes high quality English specifications by cooperating closely with patent attorneys and patent specialists.

  • Our office provides any service in respect of intellectual property, such as filing of domestic and foreign applications for patent, utility model, design and trademark, opinion, consulting, prior art search and finding invention through brainstorming.

Fields of Practice

Machinery, Semiconductor (incl. Circuit), Control, Electronics, Materials, Mechatronics, Chemistry, Liquid Crystal, Design, Trademark


  • Filing of domestic and foreign applications for patent, utility model, design and trademark

  • Opinion

  • Consulting

  • Search

  • Litigation

  • Finding invention through brainstorming

Establishment and Members

February 1999
27 members in total including 8 patent Attorneys

Contact Us

Please send us E-mail about your inquiry using the following form. We will reply E-mail to you later.
Please describe your inquiry in as much detail as possible and inform us of your E-mail address correctly so as not for us to send to incorrect E-mail address.